Pramad asks him to stop the car.It is a classic tale of love and heart ache, pride and prejudice, of yearning and longing between two people who were so close yet not close enough to two people today who are so far from each other yet not far enough in heart. Pramad talks to Saras about his love life. Kusum says I can’t say everything is fine here. Kusum calls Badimaa and tells her about the party. Kumud thinks they are going together, everything should be fine. Kumud gives the tiffin to Saras and says you also have it. Pramad says give it to Naveen after all the servants carry the tiffin. Kumud brings tiffin for Pramad and asks him to have food. Budhidhan says I m not worried about Pramad as you are going with him. Saras also leaves saying Pramad would be waiting for me. This is a taunt to Pramad, he gets angry and leaves from the table. Budhidhan asks Pramad what work he has in the city, does he not get wine here. Pramad says come with me, even I have some work in the city. Everyone come to the dining table and have breakfast. Pramad’s mum says Kumud thinks well and I like spicy things and so I selected Kumud. Murakh Das says what did you say Saras? Kusum makes an excuse. Murakh Das says he went to the dining table. Murakh Das sees her and asks whom are you searching. He tells his wife she what your son is doing. She says its Pramad’s birthday on the same day. Pramad’s mum reminds her of Krishna’s birthday. The next morning, Kumud gives the aarti to everyone. Kusum says you should reply back to Kalika. She says don’t hide anything from me, I won’t be weak, I will be your strength. Kusum says I want to support you, tell me everything. Pramad asks her to leave and does not listen to her. Kalika tries to grow doubt in Pramad’s mind. Kalika says when you left Kumud on the way, Naveen and Kumud came home alone, I doubted on them and I found a kamarbandh in Naveen’s room. Kalika says I got the kamarbandh in Naveen’s room to find out whats so good in him that everyone is after him. Kusum says Pramad drinks wine daily and Saras is here in this house and this maid is insulting you.

Kalika says I m with Pramad since 13 years, he won’t leave me and I won’t leave him. Kumud says you are warning me? Kalika says I m adamant, remember this. Kalika says don’t blame me from next time else I will tell this to Pramad. Kalika says what will you say, Pramad came to me when he was sad. If I tell everyone about you and Pramad, everyone will kick out of the house.

Kumud scolds her and says you did not see my anger till now. She says Kusum went in Saras’s room and she is there for so much time, what will anyone think. Kalika comes to Kumud and talks about Naveenchandra. Kumud throws the wine and thinks she will have to be strong. Kalika thinks she was the queen of Pramad’s heart but since Kumud came, things are changing. Kusum says don’t say anything and leaves. Kusum says I came here to know what problem Kumud has, and I know it now, I will end it soon. Pramad says it means you don’t love me else you would have died knowing about me and Kalika. Saras could not bear this pain and he broke when he knew about his father’s deeds. Kumud says she loved her husband who was having an affair with someone else, so she died. Pramad asks why did his mum committed suicide.

Kumud tells Pramad everything about Saras and his mum. He says I know I should go, but I need your help. She askd him to leave from this house and never come back in Kumud’s life. The Episode starts with Kusum arguing with Saras.
Saraswatichandra 23rd August 2013 Written Episode, Saraswatichandra 23rd August 2013 Written Update